Epic Fail -A mistake of such monumental proportions that it requires its own term in order to successfully point out the unfathomable shortcomings of an individual or group.

Epic Fail, a term used by many high schoolers today, may be a useful term to describe the Senate Health Care plan. Epic: “of unusually great size or extent” Fail: “To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately”.

The failure does not stem from lack of trying, but from lack of listening to those for whom the legislation is supposed to be concerning. The failure is due to a stubbornness that chooses to ignore alternative ideas, because an ideology, that is counter to the American way, has infected those in the position of leadership. The failure is not within the health care system, as innovation and expertise has made it the greatest system in the world, but it is found in the bureaucratic piles of needless paperwork, the greed that drives lawsuits, the regulations that tie the hands of doctors, and the state mandates on insurance companies that keep them from entering the competitive market place nationwide. There is certainly a need for a cure in the system, but not the need to euthanize the system as we know it.

Congressman Rogers’ from Michigan makes a poignant argument on Health Care last July, 2009 regarding the reform legislation in Congress in the following video. Calling one’s respective leaders today is crucial to stop this legislation and demand a better solution. Mediocrity is not the American way, and this Senate solution to healthcare falls far below the level a mediocrity, it will be an Epic Failure.

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