Planned Parenthood is generally happy with the new health care reform law.  They see having no Stupak language in the bill as being a victory.  They also know that President Obama’s executive order that was promised to give Representative Bart Stupak (D-MI) an out was a complete ruse.

From the Planned Parenthood Action website:

Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to keep the Stupak abortion ban out of the final legislation and President Obama did not include the Stupak language in his Executive Order

This makes Stupak’s betrayal seem even worse as the pro-abortion groups aren’t even upset by the executive order, not that it has the force of law anyway.

They say they are disappointed because of the Nelson Amendment that made it in the final legislation however.

Unfortunately, the bill includes the Nelson amendment that will impose new and severe restrictions on private health insurance coverage for abortion for millions of women. While we celebrate the passage of health care reform, we’re going to need your commitment to fix the damage caused by the Nelson amendment — and that starts right now.

I’m a little confused as to what they are talking about because it is my understanding that the push to get the Nelson Amendment added to the Senate Bill failed.  So how could it be in the final legislation?  This is one reason (among many) why prolifers were upset by the Senate bill.  I’ve tried doing a search and other than on liberal blogs I have found no mention of Nelson Amendment language being in this bill.

If somebody has a link to a news site (not HuffPo) that says otherwise please let me know in the comments.

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