From the Zaun for Congress Campaign:

Today, State Senator Brad Zaun called on Congressman Leonard Boswell to denounce the “self-executing rule” being discussed in the U.S. House.

Under this potential plan, U.S. Representatives would be able to vote on the health care bill without really voting on the plan. According to news reports today, House Democrats are strongly considering using this option.

“For members of Congress to want to hide behind a procedural vote should speak volumes about how toxic and misguided the current health care bill is. I’m asking Congressman Boswell to step up, denounce this tactic and call for an up or down vote,” said Zaun.

“People in the 3rd District are tired of the games being played in Washington. Change will come and it will come in a big way this November. Washington’s arrogance will be put to bed,” concluded Zaun.

Zaun, former city council member and mayor of Urbandale, represents the northwest part of Des Moines and all of Urbandale in his second term as a Senator in the Iowa legislature. Zaun is a Vice President of R&R Realty. Previously, Zaun worked for a John Deere dealership, then owned a hardware store in Urbandale for 18 years and served as President of the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce. Zaun is married and has five children.

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