Governor Chet Culver yesterday when listing the General Assembly session’s “triumphs and disappointments” (what triumphs?) lauded the Legislative Democrats lack of action on marriage.  Radio Iowa reports that Culver called the top two Democrats in the legislature (Speaker Pat Murphy and Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal) MVPs (hard to type that with a straight face) because of their efforts, one of which was their decision to keep Iowans from voting on a definition of marriage.

Culver said:

We stood firm for the civil rights of every Iowan by saying loudly and clearly that any and all efforts to add discriminatory amendments to our state constitution have no place in our state constitution.  Regardless of our personal views, we have a line that needs to be drawn between the executive branch, the judicial branch, and I think Iowans are ready to move on and accept that unanimous decision.  The overwhelming majority of Iowans do not want to amend our constitution in such as a way that’s discriminatory.  I think that’s the bottom line.

I’m curious as to the polling that he is looking at because at best you can say Iowa is very much divided on this issue.  I agree that there needs to be a line drawn between the executive branch and the judicial branch, but that doesn’t mean the judicial branch can do whatever the hell it wants.  Shortly after the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision a year ago, I quoted Ramesh Ponnuru who stated the problem with the Court’s ruling:

In a democratic system such as ours, it can be perfectly appropriate for courts to set aside laws. Constitutions reflect the permanent will of the people, which trumps the temporary will of the people as expressed in ordinary statutes (if a court is forced to choose between these sources of law to decide a case).

But nobody can plausibly claim that Iowans meant to ratify same-sex marriage when they approved a constitution including equal-protection language. Nor can anyone plausibly claim that Iowans meant to authorize judges to decide such matters as marriage policy when they approved that language.

The court’s ruling thus has no democratic or constitutional legitimacy. Whether or not same-sex marriage is a good idea, the decision by Iowa’s court to impose it on the state is an outrage.

The Iowa Legislature last session and this session is allowing a judicial oligarchy.  Last time I checked the Constitution the Court can’t rule by fiat.  They can rule laws unconstitutional sure, but it is up to the Legislature to provide the remedy.  Governor Culver’s statement yesterday confirms also that he can not be trusted.  When this case was first decided he said he would protect the definition of marriage.  Today he has done a complete 180.  I personally don’t give a rip what he personally believes if it has zero impact on how he governs.  He could have applied pressure on the Legislature to act.  He could have used his bully pulpit, but instead he caved.  He has no principles.  He is a coward and a liar.  While there are many reasons why Iowans should dismiss Culver from office; this should be at the top of the list.

Governor Culver instead of giving your opinion on the matter we can find out how Iowans really feel  fight to let us vote.  If we don’t want to amend our Constitution; the amendment will be defeated and you’ll be proven right.  But I don’t think that’ll be the case.

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