Frederick Buechner, an American writer and theologian, as well as an ordained Presbyterian minister in his book, The Magnificent Defeat, shared a profound truth:

There is little that we can point to in our lives as deserving anything but God’s wrath.  Our best moments have been mostly grotesque parodies.  Our best loves have been almost always blurred with selfishness and deceit.  But there is something to which we can point.  Not anything that we ever did or were, but something that was done for us by another.  Not our own lives, but the life of one who died in our behalf and yet is still alive.  This is our only glory and our only hope.  And the sound that it makes is the sound of excitement and gladness and laughter that floats through the night air from a great banquet.

Because of Jesus’ death we can have victory of sin and death.  Because He lives we have the hope of the resurrection.  Christ in those who have received Him by faith is the hope of glory, (Colossians 1:27).  Amen and amen!  In this we can truly rejoice.

What great news!  Be sure to tell somebody today.

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