image How’s that for an original blog post title?  First off I want to apologize for missing the Bible reading of the day post, that will resume tomorrow.  I’ve been slightly busy with having to do a website build for Serve Our Youth Network after the website crashed over the weekend.  I’m still not sure what happened, but is it back online at least with the pertinent information about our upcoming golf outing.  Still have some work to do which explains my light posting, that and I’m getting hammered by allergies.  I met with Rod Roberts and Christian Fong today and thought I was going to hack up a lung on both of them.

But with good company and good coffee (was at Smokey Row) I made it through.  Look for my interview/conversation with Rod Roberts regarding the status of his campaign tomorrow, Friday at the latest.  Christian has some big news which I’ll share tomorrow (until then my lips are sealed err keyboard is silent) so you’ll just have to come back.

You may have noticed some slight changes with the addition of some advertising space.  I’m currently, actively looking for people, candidate, companies or organizations who would like to place ads at Caffeinated Thoughts.  If you or someone you know are interested in something like that please contact me here.  I’m also always on the lookout for contributors to join CT’s team.  If you think you’d like to contribute, learn more here.  Also if you have a story idea or a news tip, I’d love to hear about it, you can send those here.  Then if you’ll notice I have a categories bar up in the header.  That is to help you find content that you are interested in.  I’m doing that because I know not everybody is interested in politics, and those who are interested in politics may not be interested in theology, etc.  I’m going through the archives as I have time to update categories.  So if you subscribe in an RSS reader (and if you haven’t subscribed, you really should) and suddenly see a bunch of unread posts, that is the reason why.  Also along with the Bible reading of the day, I’m introducing the Compassion Child of the Month, what are your thoughts on that?

Lastly I wanted to follow up on the comments I received on my ponderings about anonymous comments.  I’ve decided I’m going to leave things be for now.

So now you’re caught up with all of the housekeeping items.

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