
Representative Bart Stupak (D-MI) announced his retirement today after serving 18 years in Congress.  Good riddance, he had the opportunity to stand up for his convictions, but caved instead for a meaningless executive order.  He was already going to be vulnerable over his vote on the health care bill, but this puts his district even more into play.

The fall-out could be tremendous.  Charmaine Yoest, President of Americans United for Life, said of the news (HT: The Other McCain):

Bart Stupak entered into a sham political deal that couldnā€™t be defended with a straight face.  He put politics over principle and now even the politics are catching up to him.  This is just the beginning of the fallout over pro-abortion health care reform.   Ramming federal funding for abortion through against the will of the American people was a radioactive vote.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see more ā€œBlue Dogā€ Democrats who claim to be prolife and yet voted for this bill cut and run.

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