image By Sarah Palin

The tax man cometh… while tax cuts soon expire. This takes away the private sector’s opportunities to grow and thrive and create jobs, and it diminishes America’s work ethic.

According to the Tax Foundation, Americans worked for over three months of this year, from January 1 to April 9, before they earned enough to pay their federal, state, and local tax obligations. That’s nearly 100 days out of the year to pay government, before we start earning money for our families and small businesses!

Did you know that Americans will pay more in taxes in 2010 than we do for food, clothing, and shelter combined?

The Tax Policy Center projects that 47% of American households will pay no federal income taxes this year. Either their income doesn’t qualify, or they qualified for enough deductions and credits to have no income tax liability for the year. In fact, the bottom 40% of households on average will net money from the federal government in payments and services.

It’s time to bring sanity to our tax system and to simplify the tax code. Please send what you can to SarahPAC today and help the campaigns of good, strong, commonsense Americans who will clean up the mess that Washington has created.

America, as one people with one Constitution, deserves better.

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