image Preserve Innocence Iowa Builds on Momentum And Outlines Goals

Preserve Innocence Iowa (an initiative of the American Principles Project) began its work in Iowa last month, releasing a report on the Iowa Core Curriculum and calling on Governor Culver to repeal the program. The report made the Curriculum a topic of discussion in local and statewide races. In the week following the report’s release, all three gubernatorial challengers repudiated the Curriculum. This week, Preserve Innocence Iowa hosted its first Advisory Board meeting to chart its direction over the coming year.

Preserve Innocence’s mission is to protect America’s children by restoring the basic American principles of family sovereignty, parental rights, and religious liberty to their rightful place in society. It is calling on parents to be as vigilant in these areas as they are with other fundamental rights. “For years, government has been increasingly intruding into this area of our lives,” said Eric Goranson, Iowa Director of Preserve Innocence. “Now is the time for Iowans to stand up and restore local control in education. Government should be empowering parents, not marginalizing them.”

Project Director Emmett McGroarty and State Director Eric Goranson will be introducing the organization to media outlets throughout the coming weeks. The Preserve Innocence Iowa Advisory Board members are (organizations are listed for identification purposes only; individuals only are on the advisory committee –not organizations):

Tamara Scott

Concerned Women for America (Iowa)

Shane Vander Hart

Blogger, Conservative Writer, Pastor, Chaplain

Tom Chapman

Executive Director

Iowa Catholic Conference

Rev. Cary Gordon

President, PeaceMakers Institute

Jim Hawkins

Professional Educators of Iowa

Matt Reisetter

Former Candidate, Iowa House

Iowa Family Policy Center

Norman Pawlewski

Former Director, Iowa Department of Public Health

Iowa Christian Alliance

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