R.roberts From State Representative Rod Roberts’ campaign:

The Roberts for Governor Campaign has unveiled a new 30-second television advertisement that will begin airing in viewing markets across Iowa later this week. The advertisement, titled “What I Believe,” features Republican gubernatorial candidate State Representative Rod Roberts discussing his plans to lead the state as both a fiscal and social conservative.

“I believe we need to create new jobs. I have a plan to bring new businesses to Iowa that will create jobs for thousands of Iowans,” said Roberts in the advertisement. “I believe we need to cut taxes. Iowans work hard, and they deserve to keep more of their paychecks,” added Roberts.

The advertisement, which can be viewed on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/RepRodRoberts, also stressed how Roberts will build upon his ten-year record as a socially conservative state legislator to stand up for traditional Iowa values.

“I believe we need a pro-family governor who will protect the life of the unborn and defend traditional marriage,” said Roberts, a five-term veteran of the Iowa Legislature.

The Roberts for Governor Campaign is beginning its television advertising on WHO-TV in Des Moines, KCCI-TV in Des Moines, KWWL-TV in Waterloo, KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids, and Mediacom.

The full text of the ad follows:

“My name is State Representative Rod Roberts, Republican candidate for governor. I would like to tell you what I believe. I believe we need to create new jobs. I have a plan to bring new businesses to Iowa that will create jobs for thousands of Iowans. I believe we need to cut taxes. Iowans work hard, and they deserve to keep more of their paychecks. I believe we need a pro-family governor who will protect the life of the unborn and defend traditional marriage. And I would respectfully ask for your vote in the June 8 Republican primary election for governor. Thank you.”


You can also watch the ad below:

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