At the beginning of the year I wrote a blog concerning Apportionment, and the constitutional lawsuit Clemons et al. v. U.S. Department of Commerce et al., “challenging the constitutionality of the law passed in 1929 that permanently freezes the number of representatives in the U.S. House at 435 members due to the fact that such a small number inevitably produces an apportionment which violates the Constitution’s “one-person, one-vote” requirement to an extraordinary degree.”

Scott Sharpen shares in the following video the nature and  historic significance of this case.  According to Apportionment.US Facebook page:

Apportionment.US reports a successful oral argument that took place yesterday in U.S. District Court. The plaintiffs’ attorney, Michael Farris, did a great job advancing the key points, and effectively answered a series of questions from the three judges. Having heard the government present their defense in court, we are still convinced of the strength of our case and continue to be optimistic about the eventual outcome.

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