From Governor Terry Branstad’s campaign:

“The point we will continue to drive is that Iowa deserves a government as good as its people,” said Branstad 2010 Campaign Manager Jeff Boeyink. “Terry Branstad offers a stark alternative to Chet Culver in offering a return to clean, open, honest and transparent government in Iowa. This ad shows an enthusiastic, passionate reformer.”

The script of the ad, in Gov. Branstad’s own voice, is as follows:

We’re all here for one reason: To give Iowans a government that is as honest, as hard-working; that is as good as the people of this state.

To those communities fighting to stay alive, to the workers hunting for good jobs, to those families hoping for a better education for their kids – change is coming!

For those Iowans who want honest, open and scandal-free government – change is coming!

We did it before, and we can do it again!

For more information on the Branstad/Reynolds ticket, please visit

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