image By Jeff Jorgensen – Central Committee Member, Pottawattamie County Republican Party

On behalf of the small band of Pottawattamie County Republicans who took a chance in advocating for State Representative Rod Roberts, I’d like to congratulate Governor Branstad on his choice of Senator Kim Reynolds for Lt. Governor. Senator Reynolds certainly has all the qualifications conservative Iowans are looking for, and I urge all Iowa Republicans to rally behind the Governor and Senator Reynolds as they begin their campaign to unseat the entrenched Chet Culver et al in November.

I do note, however, that the results of this primary season have left us with more questions than answers. The future for Iowa Republicans is still not crystal clear, and many blanks have been left unfilled. As such, those of us who supported Representative Roberts throughout the primary season will be keeping our powder dry, and looking for opportunities to advance our candidate and our cause with an eye on 2014.

I’d like to thank all those who stood with us these last ten days in our efforts to get Rod on the ticket; especially those who signed the petition and those who lent their name to the effort. I would also like to give special thanks to Shane Vander Hart for his help, “Thank you, Shane, it was great working with you.” We wouldn’t have made the splash we did on the political scene these last ten days without him.

The focus now turns to the November elections. In my opinion, the results are not in doubt. This is going to be a very good year for Iowa Republicans.

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