r.robert Three more Republican leaders endorsed our campaign to persuade Governor Terry Branstad to add State Representative Rod Roberts to his ticket.  So you can add these names to our growing list:

  • Representative Betty DeBoef – Iowa House District 76
  • Eldon Pals – Chairperson – Jasper County Republican Party and former member of the Iowa State Republican Central Planning Committee
  • Representative Jason Schultz – Iowa House District 55

That brings us to having 29 – Republican County Chairs, 14 state lawmakers and 3 members and former members of the Republican State Central Committee among others.

I also had the opportunity to be interviewed on WHO Radio yesterday morning by Dave Price (Political Reporter/Weekend Anchor at WHO-TV) who was filling in for Jan Mickelson.  When they get the podcast of yesterday’s show up I’ll post that as well.

Also, remember – home stretch today is the last day to sign the petition.  You have until midnight.  We’ll be delivering our list of endorsements and the petition to the Branstad campaign tomorrow.


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