Mr John Deeth, a democratic blogger out of Johnson county posed some valid questions about my party relationship that I feel does need some clarification.  His the title of his post Libertarian in House 30 – or stealth Republican?, clearly indicates his concerns.  As a clarification here is my history in politics.

I have been a member of the Republican Party since first registering to vote when I turned 18.  I was somewhat apathetic about politics until 2007 when I started looking into presidential candidates and found that Ron Paul was different then the usual politician.  Since that time I have spent a lot of time thinking of the issues and my positions fall into line more with the Libertarian party then any of the others.  I remained in the GOP to vote for libertarian leaning Republicans in primaries and to try to advance liberty issues within the major party.  You can read my experience with this here.

Mr Deeth points out my $90 donation to the Republican Party.  $65 was fees they call “donations” required to attend county and district convention as a delegate, which I attended to attempt to influence the platform.  You can read about that experience here.  Don’t remember what the other $25 was for, but likely something similar.
I have decided that running for house as a Libertarian would be a more effective way promote and advance these types of issues.  I have mailed in my voter card to change my party and have emails in to the Johnson County GOP leadership to resign my position on the central committee.

Feel free to contact me with any questions on my campaign website

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