image Emmet McGroarty, the national director of Preserve Innocence (part of the American Principles Project) and our very own Eric Goranson who is the State Director of Preserve Innocence Iowa had the opportunity to talk with Jan Mickelson on WHO Radio a couple of weeks ago.  You can listen above.

Preserve Innocence’s mission is to promote policies and actions that protect children and to defend the sovereignty of the family.

I have the privilege of serving on Preserve Innocence Iowa’s Advisory Board and the top three priorities in Iowa for the upcoming General Assembly are:

  • Enacting a Religious Freedom Restoration Act
  • Enhancing curriculum transparency in public schools
  • Enacting legislation allowing for independent accreditation for nonpublic schools

Future items we’ll be working on are:

  • Passing legislation enabling nonpublic schools to opt out of health and PE courses they find morally objectionable.
  • Repealing the Iowa Core Curriculum
  • Empowering parents to choose (educational choice) the educational vehicle that best meets the needs of their children, regardless of their income or address
  • Ensuring that public policy respects the missions of private schools and homeschool families.

With respect to federal policy, the Preserve Innocence focus is:

  • Curtailing the influence of the federal government in education policy-making and returning power over education to the parent and community.
  • Increasing transparency in education, including in the promotion of curricula and materials, thereby giving parents fair notice about the federally-sponsored programs being introduced into their schools and giving taxpayers a better idea of where the dollars are going.
  • Ensuring that public policy respects the missions of private schools and homeschool families

Excited about the work Preserve Innocence will be doing both in Iowa and nationally.

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