mattschultz From the Matt Schultz for Iowa Secretary of State Campaign:

Council Bluffs, Iowa – June 2, 2010 – Councilman Matt Schultz has put together a full court press in the last week of the campaign. Schultz has already launched an exciting Web AD that attacks Chicago style politics and stands up for fair and honest elections. Starting today Schultz is launching TV and radio spots across the State to get out his message of accountability in elections.

“I am very excited about all that our campaign has been able to do over the last seven months. With Radio and TV we are hoping to reach as many voters as we can to get out our message. We are running TV spots in at least six media markets across the state and we are hitting radio at the same time,” said Schultz.

To complement his multi-media strategy, Schultz is finishing his 25 county blitz this week meeting with voters all across Iowa. Schultz will have traveled more than 25,000 miles in the state since his announcement tour last October.

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