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From Americans United for Life Action:



WASHINGTON, DC (7/15/10) – Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, will host a press conference today with several leading Senators at 2:30pm to discuss a new report released today by Americans United for Life Action which contains new information regarding Elena Kagan’s role, during her time in the Clinton Administration, in pressuring the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to change their policy statement on partial-birth abortion. Senator Sessions will be joined by Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO of Americans United for Life Action, and leaders of other major pro-life organizations.

Sessions Press Conference on new Americans United for Life Action report on Kagan’s role in partial-birth abortion and ACOG.

R.S. McCain reports that the report is embargoed, but “it highlights serious ethical issues and may be enough to reignite the debate for Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination.”  It sounds like that’ll be the case or they wouldn’t make such a big deal out of it.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote next week on her nomination.  I think this could delay that.  I will keep you posted with updates.

Update: Senator Sessions told Human Events that a filibuster of Kagan is not off the table.

Update II: Noticed Google News isn’t tracking this topic yet… hmmm…

Update III: Press Conference postponed due to Senate floor vote scheduled:

Washington, DC (7/15/10) – The Sessions/Americans United for Life Action press conference has been postponed due to a floor vote that was scheduled in the United States Senate.

We regret any inconvenience.

Instead, Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO of Americans United for Life Action, will meet with Senator Sessions to discuss in detail the report that was released this morning on Elena Kagan’s role in the ACOG/AMA partial-birth abortion issue.

The complete report is available for download by clicking here.

I will do a separate post on the post when I have a chance to read it.

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