image British pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) proclaimed that in his book Joy in Christ’s Presence that we should never tire of being in Christ’s presence and that if we draw near to Him he will draw near to you.

“You have visited me by night.”  Psalm 17:3

Now, you may be saying to yourself, ‘I have not enjoyed such visits as these.’  Yet you may enjoy them.  If the Father loves you even as he loves his Son, then you are on visiting terms with him. . . . If you long for him, he much more longs for you.  No sinner was ever half as eager for Christ as Christ is eager for the sinner; no saint was ever one-tenth as anxious to behold his Lord as his Lord is to behold him.  If you are running to Christ, he is already near you.  If you sigh for his presence, that sigh is the evidence that he is with you.  He is with you even now; therefore, be glad, (pg. 15).

HT:  Ray Ortlund

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