image Puritan theologian and pastor, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) said in his sermon, “God is Everywhere Present” about how God creates everything “ex nihilo” every moment:

The same power that made things to be, that first moment that ever they were, is now exercised to make them to be this moment and is continually exercised to make them to be every moment that they are. God’s preservation of the world is nothing but a continued act of creation…

Whenever a body moves or a spirit thinks or wills, it is the infinite power and wisdom that assists it. God has established the laws of nature, and he maintains them by his continual influence… When we see the sun shine, we see God’s present operation and that which is the effect of his former operation but that is from his immediate influence every moment… Whenever there are any natural actions or motions in things with life or without life, then God is present by his operation…

So if we look upon ourselves and see our hands or feet and the members, these have an existence because God is there and by an act of infinite power upholds them.

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