A long-time “whacko” friend of mine, Paul Dorr, just emerged victorious in a Second First Amendment case in Iowa that could have reverberations all the way to the US Supreme Court.

The Federal court ruled that Paul could not have his gun permit denied because the local sheriff did not like Paul’s speech. Apparently, the court did not rule specifically on 2nd Amendment grounds, only first Amendment grounds; but it seems to me that the ramification is clear: You do not give up one of your fundamental rights by exercising another. You do not give up the right to trial by jury because you exercise the right to practice your religion. You don’t forfeit the right to a speedy trial because you refuse to allow the unlawful quartering of troops in your home. And, you don’t give up your right to own a gun because you speak out for the rights of taxpayers or unborn children.

Kudos to you Paul, and dittos to your attorneys.


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