Over the last six or nine months I have been growing ever more concerned over Glenn Beck and his Evangelical and Conservative followers.  I have not been alone, there have been countless other Christian Laymen and Pastors have expressed the same concern when Mr. Beck started talking about God, Jesus and Faith.

My question is should we as Christians who believe in Salvation by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone in the Person and Work of Christ Alone, for God’s Glory Alone have anything  to do with Beck in the areas of Faith and Religion?

Mr. Beck is a confessing Mormon, and his theology and false history leak out during his programs.

Example #1:


This is blatantly not true.  Anyone who knows Church history knows this to be absolutely false and he is talking as an authority figure, and denigrating real Christians who helped to defend the faith.

Example #2:

No where in this video does Mr. Beck talk about being forgiven for his sins.  No where in this video does he talk about the Penal Substitutionary Atonement of Christ, where we are bought back from wrath and adopted as Sons and Daughters of God.  All he talks about is works, and that is a corruption of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Example #3:

He literally talks about how he believes the Gospel is loving people.  Again, like all other non-Christian Religions, he talks not of Faith, but of Works.  True Christianity is not of anything other than God’s Grace.

I warn you my brothers in Christ that you should be fearful when this man talks about God, Faith, and Christ, because he knows not of any of it and unfortunately is being a servant of the Enemy in promoting a Gospel that is literally at War with Christ.

I am not interested in ATTACKING Mr. Beck, I am interested in Defending the Flock…

I will leave you with this from my friends from Wretch Radio.


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