bradzaun By State Senator Brad Zaun – Republican Candidate for Congress in Iowa’s Third Congressional District

My opponent, Congressman Boswell, was first elected to Congress 14 years ago. We have 14 weeks left in this campaign. It’s time to look closely at what Congressman Boswell has done over the past 14 years.

Over the next 14 weeks, we’ll be talking to Iowans about Congressman Boswell’s record. Each week, we’ll tell voters in the 3rd District about his record, and it’s impact on their lives. When voters understand his record, they’ll see just how out-of-touch Congressman Boswell has become with their daily struggles and their lives. They will understand 14 reasons we need a new Congressman.

Boswell has been listed as a “follower” according to the non-partisan website According to data available on that site, Congressman Boswell ranks near the bottom among his congressional colleagues for leadership in Congress. Boswell has sponsored only 66 bills since January 7, 1997, and 63 never made it out of committee. Only three of Boswell’s bills were successfully enacted…and of those three, two were for renaming federal buildings.

Boswells’ Record, by Congress:

  • 111th Congress  14 Sponsored  1 Enacted
  • 110th Congress:  20 Sponsored  2 Enacted
  • 109th Congress:  11 Sponsored  0 Enacted
  • 108th Congress:  8 Sponsored  0 Enacted
  • 107th Congress:  6 Sponsored  0 Enacted
  • 106th Congress:  5 Sponsored  0 Enacted
  • 105th Congress:  10 Sponsored  0 Enacted

Voters in the 3rd District expect their congressman to be a leader, not a follower. And they expect results. When I am elected, I’ll put the 3rd District first…and that means standing up for them every day.

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