Terry Branstad From Former Governor Terry Branstad’s campaign:

Branstad has legacy of keeping his promises and lowering property taxes

(URBANDALE) – Gov. Culver’s campaign today released a statement which appears to invite a comparison about the respective governors’ records on education.   This is a comparison the Governor Branstad 2010 campaign is happy to provide.

“Terry Branstad was known as the ‘education governor’ for good reason. His legacy of accomplishment for students, parents, teachers, and schools at all levels is beyond measure,” said Jeff Boeyink, Governor Branstad 2010 campaign manager. 

“Contrast this with Governor Culver and his legacy of reckless budget cuts and irresponsible property tax increases.  The only thing consistent about Governor Culver’s education record is his penchant for making and then breaking promises,” concluded Boeyink.

During his tenure as Governor, Terry Branstad:

  • Provided needed resources:  Consistently increased state funding for our schools and increased the share of the state budget devoted to education.
  • Managed through tough times:  Ensured Iowa was one of only two states where the percentage of state and local spending for elementary and secondary schools did not decline during the economic stress from 1987 to 1992.
  • Lowered property taxes:  dramatically increased the state’s share of the education funding formula and provided over $250 million in direct dollar for dollar property tax relief.
  • Expanded college choices:  expanded the Iowa Tuition Grant program to allow more Iowa students to attend Iowa’s private colleges and universities.
  • Paying good teachers more:  created state’s first ever program to reward good teachers for exceptional performance and for successfully completing proven professional development programs.
  • Beginning teacher pay:  provided critical support to allow rural Iowa schools to hire new teachers by supporting minimum teacher salaries (a provision Governor Culver has since eliminated).
  • Nationally recognized education leaderFortune magazine recognized Governor Branstad as one of the nation’s Top 10 education governors.  As Chairman of the National Governor’s Association he presided over the first National Education Summit.  Served a term as President of the Education Commission of the States.
  • Des Moines University:  As President of Des Moines University, he successfully increased the enrollment from 1,200 to 1,800 students, increased the size of the endowment from $55 million to $80 million, and made significant investments in new buildings and new technologies.

For more information on the Branstad/Reynolds campaign please visit www.GovernorBranstad2010.com.

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