Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason talks about whether or not it is ok to let an 11-year-old girl to watch Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ and then is asked what his favorite “Jesus movie” is:

I pose those questions to you… is it ok to take an 11-year-old?  What is your favorite movie about Jesus?  And hopefully a debate starter – do movies about Jesus violate the 2nd Commandment?

My take – I agree with Koukl, that it wouldn’t be appropriate for most 11-year-olds.  I liked The Passion of the Christ, as while it may have been a little overdone like Koukl notes it was a graphic scene and I don’t think many other movies about the crucifixion of Christ capture that.  I also liked the original languages used, and it was a great reminder of what Christ went through on my behalf.  Regarding the 2nd Commandment – movies no, but paintings do.

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