I-JOBS debt: $1,700,000,000
Iowa Population: 3,007,856 (US Census Bureau, 2009)
Per person I-JOBS debt: $565.18
Governor Culver touts that Lucas County received $563,311.54 in I-JOBS funding, but when you compare that money received to the total debt that Lucas C0unty now faces…
Lucas County Population: 9,179 (US Census Bureau, 2009)
$565.18 x 9,179 = $5,187,787.22 (approximately $5.2 million over the next 23 years)
Well you have to decide who is really against Lucas County? Governor Culver also pointed out that Ringgold County $17,655 in I-JOBS funding. Applying the same math to Ringgold County…
Ringgold County Population: 4,944 (US Census Bureau, 2009)
$565.18 x 4,944 = $2,794,249.92 (approximately $2.8 million over the next 23 years)
Branstad/Reynolds 2010 campaign manager, Jeff Boeyink responded to Governor Culver’s press releases, “This is a continuing pattern of deception and misinformation in which this administration continues to engage. Lobbing press releases and debt from Des Moines is not real leadership.”
I agree. When you look at these figures any rational person could conclude that while there may be some short-term benefit for Lucas and Ringgold Counties, in the long term it is Governor Culver who is against the long-term prosperity of the residents of those counties. For instance how can any reasonable person claim that being sacked with $2.8 million in debt is worth $17,655 in I-JOBS funding given to Ringgold County?
But yet it appears this is the cornerstone of the Culver Campaign, point to a failed program that has created few jobs accomplishing only to burden our children and grandchildren with debt.
Good luck with that.
Census Figures HT: Branstad/Reynolds 2010 Communications Director, Tim Albrecht