Not pulling any punches, Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle is known for being just a *tad* controversial.  I’ve seen the following quote before, and saw it again yesterday up at Steve’s blog so I wasn’t sure of the context.

Driscoll “unplugged”…

Jesus is not a nice old man in a button-up cardigan sweater and loafers singing happy songs while loading everyone onto a trolley headed to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe to meet King Friday like some Mr. Rogers clone. That god is the neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy of pop culture that wants to bless everyone, does not care what you call him/her/it/they, never gets angry, and would never talk about sin or send anyone to hell. This mythical Sky Fairy is increasingly mistaken for Jesus, however, by many young pastors and Christians I have met who don’t want the gospel to be the offensive and foolish stumbling block that it is. So they remake Jesus in to a feathered-hair fairy in lavender tights and take the sword of Revelation out of his hand, replacing it with a daisy.

I can’t say I would frame it quite the same way, but there is a lot of truth in what he’s saying here.


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