Speaker Nancy Pelosi was interviewed yesterday on KCBS radio in San Francisco, while New York Governor David Paterson is trying to negotiate a compromise and she wants the opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque investigated.

Here’s the transcript via The Washington Times:

There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded.  How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we’ve been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City.

Yes, let’s investigate the funding of the opposition, but not consider where the Park 51 developers may be getting their money.  Ah heck, let’s just but a damper on the First Amendment a little and issue subpoenas to appear before some Congressional committee.  That would be helpful for the debate.  She doesn’t want Washington involved in making the decision about the mosque, but is ok with involving Washington in investigating the opposition.

That is messed up, but I’ve learned not to expect any differently she’s always been a part of the fringe.

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