Dave Funk Former Iowa Third Congressional District candidate Dave Funk is taking up a new campaign, running for Polk County Supervisor in District 3 which encompasses most of Eastern Polk County.  He’ll be running against incumbent Tom Hockensmith who was elected to that seat in 2003.  Currently the make up of the board is three Democrats and two Republicans.  All three Democrats are up for re-election this year.  John Mauro is running in District 4 which is Des Moines’ south side likely has a safe seat, though he has been defeated before.  Angela Connelly is the incumbent running in District 5.  All three Democrats were running unopposed until Funk along with Bonita Davis and Anita Morrill were nominated to run for Polk County Supervisor last Tuesday, of those three Funk likely has the best chance.

Dave Funk is a fantastic candidate to run against Hockensmith.  He already has name recognition because of his Congressional Campaign.  He has already been in campaign mode for awhile so he won’t have to shift gears.  I would imagine some of his organization is in place.  He had strong support from the Des Moines Tea Party and that will certainly help him.  District 3 while it is currently held by a Democrat isn’t solidly blue, only a small part of Des Moines is in the district which will help.  Funk has roots in the district and is well known.  He currently serves as a reserve police officer in Pleasant Hill, and his military service will resonate with residents.  This year with the state budget shortfall and county governments also being strained his message of fiscal responsibility and lower property taxes should resonate in a time when the kneejerk reaction to the situation is to raise taxes.

Funk’s campaign released their first video.  If you live in his district like I do you can vote for him, and everyone who lives in the area can help in some form or fashion.  Those who want to see conservatives elected to local office, regardless of where they live can certainly donate to his campaign.  If he wins this would be the first time the Polk County Board of Supervisors was controlled by Republicans since 1947, and I think this is the best shot we’ve had in a very, very long time.

His campaign released their first video, check it out:

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