image I’ve been in Washington, DC at a bloggers conference since Thursday, and ironically haven’t had much time to blog.  FreedomWorks has hosted a group of conservative and libertarian bloggers from across the United States for the first (hope to see annual) BlogCon.  I posted on the first night, but not since.  Duane Lester has been covering the event well with a picture dump (you might see somebody familiar in there), and has some video of the event.  Warner Todd Huston blogged here.  Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit blogged here and here.  BatesLine has a good summary as well.  SISU blogged on Twitter’s Stephen Kruiser (inside joke) of PJTV doing a workshop on Twitter who said “you don’t have the luxury not to get Twitter.”  Nice Deb also had a recap of BlogCon 2010, and Stacy McCain did a picture dump as well.

I really enjoyed the conference, it was great to network with bloggers across the country, and I learned a lot.  I especially found the WordPress session by Cord Blomquist of Ready Made Web especially useful.  He taught me how I can change my permalink structure (if you’ve been a reader of this blog for while you’ll see we no longer have the ?p=N pages) without having a bunch of dead links elsewhere.  Yesterday FreedomWorks also had a book signing of Give Us Liberty by the leadership of FreedomWorks, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe.  So it was an excellent event and I hope they do make it an annual one.  Hats off to Tabitha Hale who organized the whole thing.

Today I’m ending my time in D.C. with the 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington.  I’m running late to the mall mainly because I’m lazy and wanted to sleep in, and it was also raining.  I could kick myself since the high is in the low 70s and I brought shorts to wear today.  Wonderful.  I have no idea how many people to expect with the weather and the fact Glenn Beck had the Restoring Honor Rally not long ago.  I don’t expect nearly as many people as last year.   I’m not cool enough to have a iPhone or Blackberry with mobile blog capability, but I will be Tweeting.   You can follow me at @shanevanderhart or just watch the Tweet Stream below.

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