image Responding to yesterday’s post about Kim Pearson and Dave Funk not receiving all the support they could be getting from the Iowa GOP establishment; Tim Albrecht, Communications Director for former Governor Terry Branstad’s campaign, sent the following statement:

Terry Branstad is blessed to have a bipartisan group of supporters around Iowa who want a proven leader and effective manager back in the governor’s office.  In addition, no one is doing more to help Republican legislative candidates than Kim Reynolds and Terry Branstad as they headline fund raisers for targeted House and Senate candidates all over the state.

Just to clarify,  I’m not criticizing that he has a group of bipartisan supporters.  I actually think that is good, and based on the make-up of the Iowa electorate he needs to.  What I’m asking is how much he’s being influenced by donors who donate only to gain access and influence?  That’s quite different than somebody donating to your campaign because they believe the same principles as you do and what you in office to represent them.

Then Albrecht falls back to the “proven leader and effective manager” line and I don’t blame them.  It is pretty much why they carried the primary.  So go with what works.

The thing I really want to zero in on… “no one is doing more to help Republican legislative candidates than Kim Reynolds and Terry Branstad as they headline fund raisers for targeted House and Senate candidates…”

How this can be interpreted…

  • He’s not willing to help county candidates, and the fact that with Dave Funk we have the best chance in 60 years to see a Republican majority on the Polk County Board of Supervisors.
  • He’s perfectly content with having Representative Geri Huser (D-Altoona) represent Iowa House District 42 for another couple of years.  Well Governor Branstad, I’m sure the neglected Republican base on the east side of Des Moines (and suburbs) appreciate the slight.
  • Governor Branstad is only willing to help candidates who are “targeted” even if he happens to be doing an event in their district.  I’m assuming that decision is being made by RPI or House Republicans and Senate Republicans.
  • “No one is doing more to help” I’m sure those who are door knocking and making phone calls are doing more.  Which reminds me that Brad Zaun is to be commended.  He’s running for Congress and from what I’ve seen has bent over backwards to help any candidate who wants his help, from appearing at their fundraisers to having his volunteers help door knock.  Governor Branstad’s campaign can learn some lessons from him.

So the final lesson is that if you are a Republican legislative candidate who would like Governor Branstad’s help you should make sure that you are “targeted” first.  If you are a local candidate – forget about it.

I hope that the Branstad campaign proves me wrong.

Update: I stand corrected.

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