image has declared the Iowa Attorney General race to be a toss-up in a year which is favoring Republicans in other attorney general races across the nation.  About Iowa they said:

Democratic Attorney General Tom Miller is seeking an eighth four-year term, which would make him a prohibitive favorite in most election cycles — but not this one, when Democrats nationally and specifically in Iowa are running for cover. The GOP challenger is Brenna Findley, who is young and relatively inexperienced, but at 34 is the same age as Miller when he was first elected. Findley is a former legal counsel to U.S. Rep. Steve King, a Republican, and she touts the support of other staunch conservatives, such as U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota, and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum. Such role models may not add to her popularity among moderates, but Findley has been a strong fundraiser, has run an aggressive campaign and has an especially strong Republican wind at her back in the Hawkeye State. Democrats caution against writing off Miller. But whether this race moves from tossup to lean Democratic depends on how well the incumbent can kick up his campaign effort.

Brenna Findley has outperformed Miller not only in fundraising, but has out-campaigned him as well as she has been crisscrossing the state.  It makes me wonder how badly Tom Miller really wants the job.  While the only public poll done of the race so far favors Miller, there were also many undecided voters which should be unsettling for a long-term incumbent.  Findley appears to have momentum going into November, and that should cause for concern for the Miller campaign.

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