image DES MOINES – Iowa For Freedom continues to educate Iowa voters about their right to vote on the retention of three Iowa Supreme Court justices and hold the court in check while opponents of the grassroots efforts demonstrate the ballot initiative is more about protecting politicians and judicial activism.

Politicians continue to use scare tactics in an effort to strong-arm voters and misinform them about Iowa For Freedom’s effort to unseat three Iowa Supreme Court justices in November, Iowa for Freedom State Chair Bob Vander Plaats said Monday.

“Get involved, take it personal and tell a friend or family member,” Vander Plaats said. “It’s obvious politicians are nervous about the strides Iowa for Freedom are making as we get closer to the November election. Iowans are paying attention and listening. Make no mistake on November 2, politicians will learn voters understand middle school civics more than they have been given credit.”

Iowa voters are doing their homework, and understand all their freedoms are in jeopardy, Vander Plaats said.

“They are listening when Polk County District Court Judge Robert Hanson calls their right to vote on the retention issue misguided and an abuse of the system” Vander Plaats said. “They are listening and paying close attention when opponents say not to interject politics into the judicial system; yet another opposition group is being chaired by two former lieutenant governors.”

Iowa For Freedom Campaign Manager Chuck Laudner agrees.

“This is exactly what Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor addressed earlier this month: politicians speaking out and trying to control our judicial system,” Laudner said.

Vander Plaats, Iowa For Freedom and volunteers are blanketing the state educating Iowans about the importance of voting no on the retention issue.

“The retention vote is to hold the court accountable,” Vander Plaats said. “It is not to pat (the justices) on the back and say retain them. Iowa For Freedom’s efforts are focused solely on the retention of the justices, not the selection process.”

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