55848942 There was none.  I hate being a killjoy for Politico’s Jonathan Martin, I really do.  I also feel dirty about citing an anonymous source since that practice was pretty well slammed tonight, but the person didn’t want to go on the record.  The person I spoke with said that Sarah Palin did not take a speaker’s fee for the Republican Party of Iowa’s Ronald Reagan Dinner tonight in Des Moines.  I confirmed that with Danielle Plogmann, the Iowa GOP’s Communications Director.  Plogmann said, “She did not take a speaker’s fee, we were happy to have her come out to support our party and our candidates.”

They had 135 tables with each table producing $1000 (some were discounted for candidates).  So they took in at least $100K tonight, minus room rental and meals.  Not too shabby.

Now let the 2012 speculation begin… she spoke for the Iowa GOP… for FREE?!?!?!

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