image With Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) being in trouble in the Wisconsin Senate Race, Bill Kristol posted an email from a “savvy political veteran” that believes the Senate could tip to the GOP something that most thought was a very, very, very remote possibility at best a few weeks ago.

This poll in Wisconsin buttresses the point we discussed a week or so ago—that like in 2006 (in reverse), races that looked like firewalls etc. on Labor Day will move to GOP and the final battlegrounds will be places like WV (plus 3 GOP), CT, NY (Gillie only plus 10), etc. If this Wisc. poll is accurate, then Feingold is gone.  It joins Ark., ND, and Ind. in the pick up column. Close behind would be PA, then Colo. That gets the GOP to 47. Assuming Republicans hold the GOP seats, they would need three of Cal., Wash., WV, Ill., Nev., and Conn.  Not impossible. Three weeks from now, Republican candidates might be ahead in all of them.

Looks like the moderate sore losers are collapsing.  These guys think they are Joe Lieberman, but fail to realize that he ran on the same platform as an independent as he did in the Democratic primary.  Instead they are running on a whole new platform as independent candidates (or write ins), which undermines them entirely. Rubio and Miller should be okay.

I wouldn’t want to overconfident, especially based on one email from an anonymous source.  But I do believe the Senate, and not just the House is very much in play.

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