This will be as political as we’ll get here.  I wanted to give Jeff Mullen, the pastor of Point of Grace Church in Waukee, IA a shout-out for the great video made to encourage pastors to help prepare their congregations for November 2nd’s judicial retention election.  He is spearheading a coalition of pastors in order to “to encourage and equip pastors to communicate effectively to their congregation and community the importance and biblical mandate for involvement in local and national elections.”

What he encourages pastors to do:

  • Preach about the biblical basis for Christian citizenship.
  • Register voters every Sunday in the month of October.
  • Inform your congregation about the judical retention election and what it means, as well as, the importance of turning that ballot over and voting their values.
  • Distribute voter guides on October 31st, and go to where they can learn more and download the resources that will help pastors and their congregations to pray effectively and to vote righteously.

This is cross-posted on Caffeinated Thoughts.

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