image (Des Moines, IA)- Today, Republican nominee for Attorney General Brenna Findley challenged the current AG to explain his office’s role in preventing the construction of the proposed power plant in Marshalltown.

Consumer Advocate John R. Perkins, serving within the Attorney General’s office, opposed the construction of the plant, which would have provided up to 1,400 temporary, and 85 permanent jobs in Marshalltown. The official release may by found on the Attorney General’s taxpayer funded website.

Although initially receiving approval from the Iowa Utilities Board for construction, Alliant Energy eventually cancelled the project stating a number of factors including "increasing environmental, legislative and regulatory uncertainty regarding regulation of future greenhouse gas emissions and the terms placed on the proposed power plant by regulators."

In an interview with the Carroll Daily Times Herald AG Miller said, "To be sort of a cheerleader for business isn’t the role of attorney general."

"We don’t expect the Attorney General to lead cheers but he’s shown no leadership or understanding on the jobs issue," responded Findley. "If Tom Miller doesn’t understand that Iowa needs those 1400 jobs, maybe it’s time to let him look for a new job after November. Iowans are out of work and hurting and it’s the job of every public official to find solutions that help create jobs.  After all, it’s the taxpayers who pay the salaries of career politicians like Tom Miller." "The bottom line is Tom Miller and his staff have hurt jobs in Marshalltown.  I will be Iowa’s Jobs Advocate. It is time to get Iowa back on track and back to work."

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