I had the opportunity to interview a number of the gubernatorial candidates and two congressional candidates prior to the Iowa Republican Primary in June.  I missed the gentleman who handily won the nomination in the Iowa 3rd race – State Senator Brad Zaun (R-Urbandale).

State Senator Zaun, who is considered a “contender” by the National Republican Congressional Committee, is in the midst of an intense campaign which polls have had him leading anywhere from 7 to 10 points.  But for intensive purposes this race is a dead heat and has turned decidedly nasty on the Democrat end with incumbent Congressman Leonard Boswell turning to personal attacks rather than focusing on the issues or Zaun’s record as a city council member, Mayor and State Senator.

Zaun’s campaign manager, T.J. Maloney said that this campaign is essentially a turnout game now.  He said that State Senator Zaun is on the road day after day visiting places where people have told him they have never been visited by the 14-year incumbent Boswell.  Campaigning hard and getting out with the people, Maloney notes, is what will make the difference in this race.

Items covered in this five part interview:

  • He wants to repeal Obamacare, we discuss what he wants to replace it with.
  • His position on states rights vs. federal control.
  • He doesn’t believe that the House Republican Leadership’s Pledge to America was aggressive enough, hear why.
  • His position on entitlement spending, earmarks and the fact he doesn’t want to privatize social security contrary to what the Boswell campaign is putting out there.
  • His position on farm subsidies and ethanol in particular.
  • What he would like to see done with tax reform.
  • Our role in Afghanistan, is the Obama Administration doing enough?
  • How to reign in federal spending.
  • Energy policy and his opinion on how President Obama handled the gulf spill.
  • Federal involvement in education
  • How to address our growing illegal immigration problem.
  • How he will advance a prolife agenda.
  • His position on the Iowa judicial retention vote and whether or not we need a federal marriage amendment.
  • His position on the IRS regulations surrounding 501(c)3 organizations and political speech.
  • His response to Congressman Boswell’s personal attacks related to his financial struggles running a hardware store.
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