Pleasant Hill, IA – IFPC Action will be the key sponsor of the final “Judge Bus Tour” rally at the steps of the Iowa Supreme Court, 1111 E. Court Ave., Des Moines, IA at 5:00 PM Thursday, October 28.  IFPC Action has invited and will hear speeches from noted Iowa speakers Rev. Keith A. Ratliff, IFPC President Chuck Hurley, State Director of Concerned Women for America Tamara Scott, and Iowa for Freedom Chairman Bob Vander Plaats.  President of  Family Research Council Action, Tony Perkins and Brian Brown from the National Organization for Marriage, will also make comments. 

The primary purpose of the statewide four-day “Judge Bus Tour” is to encourage Iowans to vote “NO” on the retention of three Iowa Supreme Court activist judges Marsha K. Ternus, Michael J. Streit, and David L. Baker. 

By 5:00 Thursday, the bus tour, organized by Family Research Council Action and the National Organization for Marriage, will have covered the entire state of Iowa making 20 stops, traveling over 1,300 miles, and passing through 45 of Iowa’s 99 counties. 

Former Senator Rick Santorum, U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins, U.S. Texas Congressman and former District Court Judge Louie Gohmert, and National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown are making multiple stops along the tour.     

The Iowa Family Policy Center Action participates and leads public policy debate with the goal of strengthening and protecting families.  IFPC Action also engages churches, civic influencers, and Christians with truthful, consistent information and strategies. 

For a full schedule of the tour, visit

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