imageBy State Senator Paul McKinley – Iowa Senate Republican Leader

As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, Americans will gather together with friends, family and neighbors. We give thanks and express a deep sense of gratitude for all the bounties to which we have been blessed.

As Americans – we must always remember that Thanksgiving is both a time to give thanks as well as an opportunity to remember those around us who need our help. We all know a friend, neighbor or family member who is struggling – whether it be a personal tragedy, sickness or economic hardship. As President Kennedy so famously said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

Despite the many challenges we face, there is no denying that we live in the greatest country the world has ever known. It’s a place where freedom, liberty and prosperity  are still enviable concepts; yearned for by literally billions of people elsewhere in the world. They seek to grasp what millions of our American men and women in uniform have died to protect.

As elected leaders, we must remember to work every day  to serve others so they too can realize the full breadth of the American Dream. Whether its by focusing on job creation, reducing the tax burden, limiting the size and scope of government or honoring our brave men and women in uniform, we must constantly work to make our communities, state and nation better.

So on this Thursday, don’t make your day off from school or work just about turkey, stuffing and football.

Instead, remember those around you and give thanks for everything you do have.

Each of us, in our own special way, truly have real reasons to have an attitude of gratitude.

May you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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