imageIowa’s political landscape after Tuesday has shifted.  In Governor Chet Culver’s loss we have seen the first incumbent Governor to lose re-election since 1962 and there will be a Republican, albeit a very familiar one, back in Terrace Hill.  There has been a radical swing in the Iowa House going from a strong Democrat majority to a 60-seat majority for Iowa’s Republicans.  There were also major gains by Republicans in the Iowa Senate giving the Democrats only a two seat majority and with one contested race possibly even leading to a 50/50 split.

Big changes.

I wonder how this is going to make an impact with education policy?  I know many of the Republican candidates say they are in favor of school choice, but will they follow through with votes?  What will happen with the Iowa Core Curriculum?  I would love to see it repealed, but at the very least will it be deemed voluntary so control is relinquished from the educational bureaucracy in Des Moines back to local school boards and parents?

Time will tell, and I’ll be watching.

Originally posted at American Principles in Action

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