Former President George W. Bush has a book out entitled Decision Points which sold 220,000 copies on the first day.  I haven’t read it yet, but I plan to and will provide a review here.  As a result of the book being out President Bush has been doing the obligatory media tour to promote it.  Last night he was on the O’Reilly Factor and I have to commend Bill O’Reilly for a tough interview, you can watch Part I below:

I vehemently disagree with President Bush on TARF and on his lack of fiscal discipline in his last term specifically. In this interview we see something that I think is lacking with our current President – class. President Bush refuses to criticize him even though President Obama loves to blame Bush for everything. President Bush cares more about the office of the Presidency than himself. That is a lesson that President Obama needs to learn – the Presidency is bigger than just one man.

Now in 2014 when President Obama is giving his media tour for his Presidential Memoirs, I wonder if he’ll be as gracious as President Bush was last night and not take the opportunity to bash his successor. Smile

You can watch the entire interview here.

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