Governor Palin accompanied Franklin Graham of Samaritan’s Purse to Haiti.  Only to one suffering from major PDS could this be seen as a bad thing.

Enter Ed Schultz of MSNBC who quipped that “Sarah Palin doesn’t give a damn about anyone in Haiti!” 

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Really now?  I didn’t realize that he read minds.  The basis of his rationale?  Because she re-tweeted Jedediah Bila’s shout-out to Senator Jim DeMint’s thanking him for coming out against the tax deal.

According to Schultz she doesn’t care about the unemployed then.  I’m curious just how long do we need to extend unemployment benefits for people?  Why tie the insistence on tying jobless benefits in with extending the Bush Tax Cuts?  Who really pays for these benefits anyway?

Also, who is really holding up these benefits anyway?

But no, let’s criticize Sarah Palin for showing interest in Haiti and helping to support a private charity doing work in that impoverished country.  Maybe Schultz wouldn’t criticize her if she went down on the taxpayer dime.  He certainly wouldn’t be critical if it were a Democrat rather than Palin.

Let’s dispense with the nonsense.

HT: Cubachi

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