imageIowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn released the statement below following President Obama’s State of the Union Address.

“After two years of using Democratic majorities in both chambers to force a liberal agenda through Congress, the President’s speech acknowledged the need to cooperate with the new Republican majority and Speaker Boehner. Although it is actions, not words, in working with congressional Republicans that will demonstrate whether the President understands that Americans want our government to incentivize private sector job creation, get entrepreneurial capital off the sidelines and get millions of Americans earning paychecks again.”

"There is no question, more jobs need to be created in America, but unfortunately President Obama remains convinced the means to that end is through government encroachment. He continued to discuss “investing” in our economy which is Washington speak for more spending. Mr. Obama is doubling down on his belief that the government can create jobs. Not only does this argument have no merits, voters overwhelming rejected this idea a few short months ago.”

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