I thought it would be prudent to point out that of the 61 applicants for the three vacancies on the Iowa Supreme Court, three are donors to Planned Parenthood.  They are:

  • Joseph Barron, Des Moines, 47 (gave $200 as recent as 2009)
  • Thomas Duff, Des Moines, 47 ($99 and below)
  • Lorraine May, 58, Des Moines.  (Last time donated in 2007 (between $100-499) – she and her husband also donated $200 to Governor Terry Branstad’s campaign so we should be watching out for her.

Edward Mansfield, another applicant, didn’t donate to Planned Parenthood himself, but his wife – Elizabeth Hall Mansfiled donated goods and services.

These are three (possibly four) applicants that Iowa Governor Terry Branstad should avoid nominating.  It should go without saying.  I’m curious if these four will be in the list of nine picks they send to the Governor.

HT: Kim Lehman (via email)

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