Nehemiah and the Wall

The story grabs me, the Word is true and alive, and these are other lessons I have learned in the book of Nehemiah I would like to share.

Many of us, Reformed Calvinists, have one thing in common, we love to read and study the Word of God; I have a pile of books in my nightstand; a book in my car, another one in my purse, one tough, one easy… and as I read the book of Nehemiah I could not but think of this: How does all the reading I do changes me?

We read in Nehemiah 8 that all the people gathered to listen attentively to  Ezra as he read the Book of the law. They heard it, and then they heard it being explained; their response was this: “all the people  answered, “Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground” (v.6)

I read and read and read the Word of God and all these Theological books which are meant to help me understand more clearly  God’s word.(v.8) and what is my reaction?

Am I just being puffed up? or am I lifting my hands, bowing my head and worshipping the Lord?

The story keeps on, and we read  (v.13-18) that they started to do what they hadn’t done for years, they obeyed. And a feast followed their obedience. There was a very great rejoicing, because reading and understanding the Word had brought them to obey and we know that true joy is only found when we truly obey.

Chapter 9 brings again light; When they kept on reading the Word of the Lord, their eyes were opened and they were able  to see themselves as in a mirror, a mirror that never lies, and they saw their sin.

The Spirit of God brought conviction of sin to their hearts and they “stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for a quarter of the day; for another quarter of it they made confession and worshiped the LORD their God (v.3)

My prayer is that as I draw near the Word of God, and as I open it, and as I study books that will help me understand clearly what it is written, I may see my sinful heart, and I may confess my sin to find forgiveness.

Then I will have a reason to live joyfully, and I will feast.

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