When most of us think about reaching out to those who are not in the Covenant of Grace, we think of missionary trips, or reaching out through supporting missionaries all over the world; and of course that is absolutely correct; but what about opening your home to reach out?

Have you ever thought about hospitality as a means for reaching out to the lost?

When you open your home to a teenage boy who does not know about God and you love him, and show him how the Christian Faith is lived under a roof, inside a home; then you are reaching and touching eternity. You are reaching out by opening your home.

I handed him one of my favorite Bibles, he smiled and read what I wrote for him; he hugged me and carefully took it under his arm to his room. He now owns the Book which can make him wise for salvation (2 Tim. 3:14-17).

This winter why don’t you start reaching out…in your home?

May His grace abound in us as we walk sharing His love.

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