I recently discovered that Monergism’s blog, Reformation Theology,  has a great section of poetry written by Nathan Pitchford.

Diversely Excellent, is one of those great poems:

True Son of God, true Son of Man,
Both terrible and fair,
What various attributes you span!
Perfections ah! how rare,
How vast are in your person blent,
And all diversely excellent.

You only are the sovereign King,
And you the Servant mild;
Artificer of everything,
And made a human child;
You held the world up in your hand,
Even while you walked its sinful land!

Keep Reading….

Saturday is here, enjoy the quietness, enjoy a dark roasted cup of coffee, and read God’s glorifying poetry.

And if, after reading it,  you crave for more, know that you can purchase the  book or download it for free here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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