The Taxpayer First Act or House Study Bill 1 was voted out of the Iowa House Appropriations Committee.  It’s basic purpose is a first stab at cleaning up the fiscal mess that Governor Chet Culver is leaving us this week.  There is a lot in this bill, but I wanted to point out what is on page 13:

29 For purposes of implementing the statewide core curriculum
30 for school districts and accredited nonpublic schools and a
31 state-designated career information and decision-making system:
32 ………………………………………….. $ 1,901,556
33                                                                               75,556

There will be action on the Iowa Core Curriculum in Iowa House Education Committee and the Iowa Senate Education Committee.  This bill is a practical defunding  of the implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum.

If you live in Iowa, contact your Representative to urge them to vote yes on this bill.  I have heard the next step is a public hearing, I’ll update as I get more information.

Update: There will be a public hearing held on Tuesday, January 18th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the House chamber.  To sign up to speak on the bill, feel free to call (515) 281-5129.

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