john-boehnerBoth House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) indicated that the House of Representatives will pick up the ball that the Obama administration dropped on DOMA.

Speaker Boehner in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody said:

I’m really disappointed in the President and the Department of Justice in the fact that they’re not going to defend a law that Congress passed overwhelmingly. It’s their responsibility to do that. Now, it’s happened before where administrations have decided they weren’t going to go out and vigorously defend a law that Congress passed but I really am disappointed in the President in his actions but if the President won’t lead, if the President won’t defend DOMA then you’ll see the House of Representatives defend our actions in passing a bill that frankly passed overwhelmingly.

Cantor in a press conference today said:

Again I do believe that this is a case that is distinguishable on its merits and to have the administration take the position, the president take the position, that he’s not defending the law of the land, is something very troubling I think to most members of the House

He said the House would outline its plans on Friday.

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